PINE LEAF, THE INDIAN HEROINE. A Poem by James Beckwourth, 1798-1866

PINE LEAF, THE INDIAN HEROINE I've seen her in her youthful years; Her heart was light and free, Her black eyes never dimm'd with tears, So happy then was she. "When warriors from the fight returned. And halted for display, The trophies that the victors won She was first to bring away. I've seen her kiss her brother's [...]

1922 Rules of Etiquette: Greetings When Introduced

Posted By Category: History

As explained in the foregoing chapter, the correct formal greeting is: "How do you do?" If Mrs. Younger is presented to Mrs. Worldly, Mrs. Worldly says "How do you do?" If the Ambassador of France is presented to her, she says "How do you do?" Mrs. Younger and the [...]

Member Discount: Limited Time Only! Homeschool Bundle $29 Valued over $100!

Members Limited Time Only Discount Savings! March “Building Readers & Writers from Preschoolers to Teens” Bundle! Do you have a reluctant writer? Does your child have a desire to read? Do you have a preschooler at home? If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, you [...]

The Conestoga Wagon

During the manifest destiny, when many pioneers headed out seeking land free of toil, several different wagons were used to carry as much of their possessions as possible. One of the largest wagons recorded to being used is the Conestoga wagon. The earliest known point where the Conestoga wagon began [...]

Narcissa October 1847

WAIILATPU Oct. 12th, 1847. Dear Jane: Two men are at this place on their way to the States. One of them, Mr. Glenday, intends to return to this country next spring with his family. I have importuned him, and made an arrangement to have you accompany them to Waiilatpu. Now Jane, will [...]

Andrew Rogers April 1846

TSHIMAKAIN April 22, 1846. Miss Prentiss: An apology is due in my attempting to write to you, being an entire stranger, although I feel almost as though I had been well acquainted with you for years, having become so much attached to Mrs. Whitman. Some days before I left Dr. Whitman's for [...]

Narcissa Whitman Letters April 1836

April 1st 1836. - Nothing of much importance occurred to-day. My eyes are satiated with the same beautiful scenery all along the coasts of this mighty river, so peculiar to this western country. One year ago to-day since my husband first arrived in St. Louis on his exploring route [...]

Narcissa Whitman Letters March 1836

ON BOARD STEAMBOAT SIAM March 15, 1836. Dear, Dear Mother: Your proposal concerning keeping a diary as I journey comes before my mind often. I have not found it practicable while traveling by land, although many events have passed which, if noted as they occurred, might have been interesting. We left Pittsburgh [...]

Dr. Whitman May 1844

FROM DR. WHITMAN WAIILATPU, May 16th, 1844. My Dear Father and Mother : — A little more than a year has elapsed since I had the pleasure of seeing you. The remembrance of that visit will never be effaced from my mind. I did not misjudge as to my duty to [...]

Narcissa Whitman Letter April 12, 1844

WAIILATPU Oregon Territory, April 12th, 1844 My Beloved Father: — I was coming up the Columbia river from the Willamette and Vancouver with Rev. Jason Lee when your welcomed letter reached me. My husband had each of the stations of the Mission to visit before he could come after me. Mr. [...]