Prepping 101 – What is it, How to prep and is it expensive?
I have had some questions about “Prepping 101” is about. It will make more sense if I explain what prepping is using a question and answer format.
What is prepping?
Prepping is when an individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of or prior to any change in normal circumstances or lifestyle without significant reliance on other persons (i.e. being self-reliant) or without substantial assistance from outside resources (government, etc.) in order to minimize the effects of that change on their current lifestyle.
What type of things do we prep for?
It varies from person to person, but most start with prepping for short term situations such as illnesses, unemployment, wild fires, tornadoes, ice storms, etc. The US government urges everyone to have at least 3 days worth of food and water.
Many preppers prepare for longer term events such as social disturbances, food shortages, pandemics, economic collapse, etc.
How do you prepare? Don’t I just need to buy extra food and water?
Prepping is more than just stockpiling. It is more about knowledge. Learning what to buy and how much. You also need to know the best way to store your supplies. You need know how to avoid conflict, but if necessary how to defend your family and your supplies. You need to have a plan for how you will live when your stockpiles run out. That is why preppers learn homesteading and primitive skills. We also seek to learn about emergency medical treatment and alternative medicines. We also learn about becoming energy independent by using alternative energies.
Aren’t preppers anti-government types?
Not at all, we recognize that without government there would be anarchy. However, we don’t want to be dependent on the government during an emergency. Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed our government and many people died needlessly. Imagine the government trying to handle a nationwide event such a terrorist attack on the grid or a pandemic caused by the bird flu. Do you really want to gamble your family’s safety on the government being able to help you under such circumstances? We feel that it is our responsibility as parents and citizens to not add to the problem during a crisis by being prepared.
What type of people are preppers?
They are your friends and neighbors. You probably just don’t know that they prep. Preppers are from every demographic, religion and political party.
Don’t you have to be rich to prep?
No. Most preppers are on a budget. Our group teaches about ways to save money so you can afford to prep. Someone could always steal your supplies or you could be away from your supplies during an emergency, therefore the most important prep have you can have is knowledge.
Doesn’t prepping make you focus on the bad things therefore make you worry more?
We like to use prepping in a positive way. We have used prepping to learn new skills as a family such a martial arts, archery and gardening. We are able to make history lessons come alive by learning primitive skills. We developed close relationships with other homeschool families thru our involvement in our group.
Is it okay for Christians to prep?
Most preppers are Christians. The Bible teaches us that we are responsible for the well being of our families, Prov. 31. & I Tim. 5:8. It is also part of being a good steward, Prov. 21:20.
Undoubtedly there are plenty of scriptures that talk about the need to rely on God for our needs. Yet we still understand that someone in our household has to have a job. We also know that supper is unlikely to fall from the sky to our table. We have to find balance. I like to think of it this way, I do what I can to take care of the family that God has entrusted me with. I understand that I cannot do this without his blessings of health and opportunity. I trust God to take care of the things that are beyond my abilities. I feel that God expects me to take care of the things that are within my abilities.
Prepping also allows me to minister to others, James 2:15.
I hope this answers your questions. Please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] if you have any other questions or would like to r.s.v.p. for this Saturday’s meeting or if you would like to join our group.
Vickie Lusby
Prepared OK Homeschool Families
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