Timeline 1600’s | 17th Century

17th century
1607 May 14 Captain John Smith founded the Jamestown settlement on behalf of England.
1609 At first, the natives were glad to trade provisions to the colonists for metal tools, but by 1609 John Smith began sending raiding parties to demand food. Native Americans were isolated, their houses burnt down, and their food supplies were stolen. This earned the colonists a bad reputation among the natives and precipitated conflict.
1609–1610 English violence alienated natives and these laid siege to the Jamestown fort for several months. Unable to secure more food supplies, many colonists died during the “starving time” of 1609–10.
1610 Santa Fe, New Mexico was founded by Spanish colonists.
1610 Hampton, Virginia was settled.
1619 Slavery was introduced to the Colony of Virginia
1622 March 22 The Indian massacre of 1622 happened.
1626 New Amsterdam was founded.
1629 March 4 The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded.
1630 July 6 The Winthrop Fleet arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1632 June 20 The Province of Maryland was founded.
1634 Theologian Roger Williams was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1636 The Connecticut Colony was founded by Thomas Hooker.
January Williams founded the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
Harvard College was founded.
1638 Pequot War: The war, in New England, ended.
1638 The Delaware Colony was founded.
The New Haven Colony was founded.
1650 May Nicholas Easton was elected president of Rhode Island.
1663 March 24 Charles granted a charter for a new colony, the Province of Carolina.
September 18 Battle of Bloody Brook: Nipmuc forces ambushed a wagon train of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in South Deerfield, Massachusetts, killing sixty people including twenty civilians.
October Attack on Springfield: Local Pocomtuc burned Springfield, Massachusetts to the ground at the urging of the Wampanoag sachem Metacomet.
1677 The Province of Maine was absorbed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony
1686 The Dominion of New England was established.
1698 Pensacola, Florida was established by the Spanish.